Tag Archives: LA Times

FCC to Change? Lucky for Murdoch

27 Nov

Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch isn’t someone I really rate too highly. After the Leveson inquiry in the UK it certainly raises questions as to just how involved he is in the news companies he owns. He says he was unaware of the phone hacking scandal but that’s almost more worrying since he owns the company and yet doesn’t really know exactly what is going on at it.

This is the problem with big media moguls and their attempts of monopolising the market. It turns journalism into the business structure that families years ago made sure to stay away from. Journalism should be about the reporting and investigating and holding organisations to account. But we have seen the financial struggles deepen in the past few years showing that the business side has to be a priority.

The Federal Communications Commission

Until now, although there have been conglomerate organisations, the chance of a monopoly has always been held back by the FCC rules. The Federal Communications Commission is in talks to change their media cross ownership rules which could lead to Murdoch being legally allowed to purchase a whole lot more.

The changes in regulation would allow companies to own ‘the major daily newspaper and radio outlets in the same market, and would allow one company to jointly own a daily newspaper and TV stations in the nation’s top 20 markets.’

This allows owners like Murdoch to monopolise markets by gaining a large majority of control. Why this is bad? Well if you look at a few of Murdoch’s acquisitions there is a tendency to have a very biased opinion in them such as Fox News and the Sun newspaper in the UK. He is also out to make money which, as we have seen, isn’t always the best thing for journalism.

Also soon to be under the Murdoch name

Are they ready to change?

According to the article his next big ventures include the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times. The FCC regulations as present prevent his from doing so but if they change as reported there is very little stopping him. Could be potentially life changing for the two major newspapers.